Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What is Worship?

Biblical worship is described as:
Proskuneo, [4352]: to kiss, adore, to fall or prostrate before.
Literally to kiss towards someone.. The ancient oriental {especially Persian}, mode of salutation between persons of equal ranks was to kiss each other on the lips; when a difference of rank was slight, they kissed each other on the cheek; when one was much inferior, he fell upon his knees and touched his forehead to the ground or prostrated himself, throwing kisses at the same time toward the superior. It is this latter mode of salutation that Gr. Writers express by proskuneo. -Zodhiates

When Jesus instructs us on proskuneo, He gives us some guidelines…
In Spirit and in Truth
Read John 4:7-26
”God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” Spirit: pneumatos, means “with a sincere mind, with a true heart, not with mere external rites.

Showing our love to Jesus with both reverence and sincerity… but…

We can’t love Jesus out of our own love, because we have none to offer except what the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts[Romans 5:5]. We are loving Jesus with Jesus’ love. Jesus was the 1st to say “I love you,” by his active affection on the cross. When we worship Him [adore, fall before him, sing to him] in spirit and in truth, we are essentially saying, “I love you too.”

“As far as love goes, Lazo is broke. So, I’m gonna die on the cross to bring him close. And then I’m gonna give him love, since he has no capacity to love, and it’s up to him to give it back.” -God

Worship can be called:
Observing The love of Jesus towards us, falling before Him in reverence and sincerity, to tell Him, I love you too.

How Worship is Birthed:
• By the Holy Spirit
1. No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 12:3
2. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. John 14:26
3. At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, "I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth Luke 10:21
• Since it is to God, and from God, it would only make sense that it is enabled, and continually fuelled by God. To be continually full of fresh worship, we should be continually filling our hearts and minds with Jesus = Bible + prayer
If you are not in both of these things, worship will be dry for you.

As we read Unquenchable Worshipper, know these things-
• If you are not soaking up the Word of God, and intimate in prayer, this will be just another book you have to read. If you are reading the Word and praying, this book will open your eyes to the depths of worship, and further intimacy with God
• Practice you relationship with God. You don’t need a guitar, turn on your itunes, and sing worship songs.
• Worship by yourself.

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