Monday, December 11, 2006

The Unquenchable Worshipper (chapter 1)

We are checking our lives next to what the Bible says a worshipper is, and seeing where they line up and where they don’t.

Unquenchable characteristics:

• “We can always find a reason to praise” pg. 20 of the UW
-“For since the creation of the world His invisible ATTRIBUTES, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” Rom 1:20 (The fool has said in his heart…Ps. 14:1)

1. Holiness, justice, jealousy, perfection, truthfulness, and love.

-“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there be any excellence, if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Phi. 4:8 When you’re not doing this…
Sooo... in Romans 1:20 Paul tells us that there are an infinite number of reasons to praise God, then in Philippians 4:8, he tells us that we need to constantly be dwelling on those things

• “Bitterness dampens and eventually destroys love for God…by telling us He is not faithful” pg. 21
• Matt Redman gives us an illustration of fuel for our worship:

Fuel runs out! (Fuel is revelation of God: through His Word, praying, going to church)

These things keep your love for God more “overwhelming” than life and grief pg. 24
The Word feeds us revelation of God’s attributes(who He is), and fuels our desire to worship

When my worship becomes quenched, dry, or stagnant, it's because I have no fuel, but since God’s fuel is inexhaustible…what went wrong?) This is what went wrong = It is a painful indication that your fuel is dependant on something other than the revelation of God.

Here's a crazy thought = We were designed (purposed) to be worshippers!
Ex: Ryan Hillner is a pastor that shepherds our youth group. But this is NOT his DESIGN or PURPOSE! It is his CALLING. God calls us to be ministers in one way or another and empowers us through His Holy Spirit, but this is still not our ultimate purpose in life. Our ultimate purpose is to worship Jesus Christ. It's that simple.

•Since you were designed as a worshipper, if you are not fueling that desire with things of God, you WILL fuel it with other things, like grief, anger, money, relationships, other worldly things, etc... this will cause your worship to become stangant.

We MUST stay in the Word and in prayer. It is vital to our spiritual condition.

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